Warm up
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Warm up
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Warm up before meditation
Standing Forward Bend, Revolved Crescent Lunge, Cobra, Downward Facing Dog, Wild Thing, Child
Vulcano, Cat Cow, Cobra, Standing Forward Bend
Three Legged Dog
Tree, Warrior III, Warrior I
Mountain Namaste, Standing Forward Bend, Cobra, Downward Facing Dog, Three Legged Dog, Low Lunge, Warrior I, Warrior II, Goddesse
Wild Thing, Three Legged Dog, Downward Facing Dog, Upward Facing Dog, Mountain Namaste
Cat Cow, Downward Facing Dog, Cobra, Child
Lotus, Easy Variation Side Bend, Revolved Easy
Sun Salutation, Chair, Standing Forward Fold, Plank, Upward Facing Dog, Downward Facing Dog, Warrior I, One Legged Dog, High Lunge, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, Extended Side Angle, Child, Hero Variation, Reclined Butterfly
Chair Variation, Standing Forward Bend Variation, Pyramid Variation, Wide Legged Forward Bend Variation, Extended Triangle Variation, Standing Backbend, Plank, Crocodile
Revolved Seated Side Angle, Plank, Four Limbed Staff, Downward Facing Dog, One Legged Dog Variation, Cobra, Bow
Happy Baby, Boat, One Legged Dog Variation, Lizard, Downward Facing Dog, Garland, Crane
Standing Hand To Big Toe, Downward Facing Dog, One Legged Dog Variation, Extended Side Angle, Half Moon
Hero Variation, Standing Forward Bend, Plank, Four Limbed Staff, Upward Facing Dog, Downward Facing Dog Variation, One Legged Dog Variation, Child, Supine Hand to Toe Variation, Side Crane, Half Lotus
Easy, Easy Variation, Staff, Seated Forward Bend, Dedicated to the Sage Marichi III Variation, Cow, Cat, Extended Puppy, Hero Variation, Child Variation
Easy Variation, Child Variation, Table Top, Downward Facing Dog, Cobra
Standing Forward Bend Variation, Upward Salute Side Bend Variation, Downward Facing Dog, One Legged Dog, Low Lunge, Corpse Variation
Goddess, Upward Salute Side Bend Variation, Triangle, Low Lunge, Sphinx, Crocodile
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